UCF Cares About You

UCF Cares is an umbrella of care-related programs and resources dedicated to fostering a caring community of Knights. However, it takes all of us from students to staff, from faculty to friends, to show that we care about one another. The goal of the UCF CARES initiative is to build a culture of care one KNIGHT at a time. We are all UCF and need to do our part in connecting any fellow knights in distress to appropriate resources.

UCF Cares Focus Areas include:

  • Safety and Wellbeing Services
  • Violence Prevention
  • Mental Health Support

How Can You Participate?

From Caring to Courage: The first step is simple. Show you care! Just taking a moment to check in with a friend or peer can make a difference.

From Asking to Acting: If you reach out and find out someone is not doing well, you have the resources and support available through UCF programs to get them connected. You don’t have to have all of the answers, but letting someone know help is available is critical.

From Resources to Resiliency: Familiarize yourself with the resources. Our website has summarized the resources available related to wellness, safety and interpersonal violence support. If you are not sure of what is the right support option, please reach out!