Our goal is to build a culture of care on campus — we have many proactive training opportunities and services to help you actively participate in this culture of care!

Safety and Wellbeing
WHPS Wellness Workshops
Empower yourself by learning more about Nutrition, Body Image, Sexual Wellness and Stress Management.
Victim Services
Confidential Services for those impacted by violence, harassment, or other crimes or abuse.
Prevention resources from our police department include
Knight Ride, Self-Defense classes and Property Registration.

Safe Zone
UCF Safe Zone is a program for those interested in showing visual support for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or Questioning (GLBTQ) persons at the university.
Diversity and Inclusion
UCF is a community of students, faculty, and staff that seeks to respect each person and create an inclusive campus, recognizing that diversity enriches our learning and professional experiences.

Sexual Violence Prevention
Title IX
Title IX protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. Sex-based discrimination can include sexual assault, relationship abuse, stalking, and sexual harassment.
Let's Be Clear
We’ve provided this comprehensive source for information about identifying, preventing, and responding to sexual misconduct including sexual assault and sexual harassment affecting members of the UCF community.
Green Dot
Green Dot is a bystander intervention initiative that recognizes that most people care about the high prevalence of power based personal violence but don't have the tools to know how to be part of the solution.

Mental Health
Question, Persuade, Refer
Suicide is the second leading cause of death among college and university students, but it is also one of the most preventable causes of death. QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer), guided by certified trainers, is a program designed for everyone to learn what can be done to prevent suicide.
Bounce Back!
Depression is a growing concern on college campuses. About 17 percent of students will experience some form of depression during their time in college. The Bounce Back campaign offers students tips and resources for managing mild to moderate depression.